PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingUser Stories and User ExperienceDon’t write user stories based on your UX designs.Feb 5, 20231Feb 5, 20231
PinnedPublished inDev GeniusContinuous integration challengesWe always try to integrate the knowledge we acquire in our practices, but Continuous Integration as many other paradigms requires breaking…Jul 30, 20222Jul 30, 20222
PinnedPublished inDev GeniusThe whys of hexagonal architectureHexagonal architecture has become in a very popular “layered” (no need to be implemented with layers) architecture in the last years. I…Oct 16, 20211Oct 16, 20211
PinnedPublished inDev GeniusThe Good, the Bad and the UglyA lot of developers are not able to distinguish between a good and a bad design and which are the problems of their code. Is your code The…Oct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
Published inLevel Up CodingTests are closer to sacred cows than codeChange is the only constant in software, and we can change tests, but we should treat tests more as sacred cows than code. At the end, they…Feb 92Feb 92
Published inLevel Up CodingHow to teach CI with “Little red riding hood”?Let’s talk about the underlying idea of CI (continuous integration) and how to practice it, without the need of any dev knowledge.Jan 15Jan 15
Published inLevel Up CodingIOC, Dependency Inversion and Dependency InjectionThree things really related but different.Dec 31, 2024Dec 31, 2024
Published inLevel Up CodingAgainst Common Sense in softwareThe concept of common sense is a long-standing term, based on human experience and people’s individual perceptions. Common sense isn’t…Dec 26, 20241Dec 26, 20241
Published inBootcampToo much technical jargonI’ve detected a constant when teams have problems related to their collaboration. The language turns into a mess of technical terms, no one…Dec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
Published inLevel Up CodingFrom code to infrastructureIt’s easier to change code than infrastructure, so we should prioritize code over infrastructure. I have the feeling that people nowadays…Dec 21, 2024Dec 21, 2024